Active Consciousness Newsletter -- May 2015


News Update

I'm sorry about the tardy newsletter this month, but I have been busy writing a much longer piece that has now run on a couple of sites (thank you Thinking Mom's Revolution and Expanded Consciousness!). That article will also serve as my missive to you this month. Entitled Don't Mess with Gaia, it draws a parallel between various human attempts to control Mother Earth that, in the end, have backfired. These include the introduction of non-native species of plants and animals, various harmful agricultural practices, the overuse of antibiotics, and now, the overuse of vaccines. Despite its controversial nature, I hope you read it with an open mind and consider its message. My hope is that by recognizing past patterns and modes of thinking, we can begin to do things in a new and better way.

A New Book Is in the Works

I have begun writing a new book! Taking up where Active Consciousness left off, it will present a philosophy or mode of living based on the ideas in Active Consciousness, filtered through the lens of Huna (which is based on the cosmology of Hawaiian mysticism) as well as other cosmologies that I have been inspired by. Those of you who read my newsletters regularly have already noticed my increasing interest in Huna. My intention is that this new book will be a little less "theoretical" and a little more practical than Active Consciousness, so that it can serve more readily as a useful handbook for living. Both Active Consciousness and my previous book Impossible Cure took 6 years from inception to publication; hopefully this one will go faster!


A Mother's Day Message from Mother Earth: Don't Mess with Gaia!

Over the past thousands of years, humanity has mastered the ability to sail the seas and soar through skies, cultivate plants and plow vast fields, communicate through telegraph, telephone, and computer, and even fly to the Moon and back. But there is one lesson that we never seem to be able to learn: “You can’t fool Mother Nature!â€?

Every time we try to control the inherent flow and wisdom of nature itself, especially in a dramatic and large-scale way, things always seem to backfire. Inevitably, we find ourselves feverishly trying to repair the damage we have done, often foolishly wreaking even more havoc. And the more severe our intrusion into Gaia’s domain, the more irreparable and severe the consequences have become.

Now that much of humanity is accepting our collective role in creating climate change, it seems like a good time to examine other ways in which we have “messed things up.” What threads do many of these misguided actions have in common, and what can we learn from them? You may not even be aware of some of the examples I’ll be discussing in this article—for instance, the vast harm that conventional approaches to disease may be creating. Soon, however, I believe that these errors will also become clear and obvious to us all..... read more


The Beauty of May


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Don't forget to visit Amy's book websites:

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy --

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within --

and her blogs:
